If we were going to launch a business today, Lisen Stromberg would be a first round lottery pick for a partner! She is a thought leader, author, cultural strategist and the founder of PrismWork; a company that drives workforce innovation and 21st century leadership. In this episode of the Courageous Podcast we discuss the necessary, tectonic shifts happening in workplace culture today. This includes the need for team diversity, equity and belonging. We pontificate on if the United States of America were our client, how would we go about fixing its reputation. We discuss the importance of leaders shifting their focus from external shareholders to internal stakeholders. And we delved into the importance of gender mix found across high-performing cultures. This episode is for any leader who aspires to build a best-in-class 21st century company looking to align its purpose with its people, programs, products and processes. Enjoy. https://lnkd.in/dYXsXvv
5:46 - We believe we have to be the ideal worker
6:25 - Heartwarming to hear the next generation of men stepping up and saying they want to be actively engaged fathers
6:32 - How to be great at your career and your family life
6:52 - The abundance mindset and trends we are seeing
7:10 - Value is not just about shareholders; it's about stakeholders
8:53 - Fears of taking a break from work
9:32 - The profile of productivity will surprise you - it's not about being all in, all the time
10:01 - Huge rise of parents versus non-parents
12:25 - This is a collective problem to solve, not an individual one
13:04 - Integrating work and family
13:29 - The United States ranks dead last in paid parental leave
14:17 - Please support paidleave.us
18:15 - We have a duality structure and we need to change that
18:20 - Go back to our original values as a country
20:15 - People need to be given a chance to learn and grow and change
20:53 - Forces from the bottom up and top down are creating change
21:24 - Background on PrismWork and HEARTI - Humility, Empathy, Accountability, Resilience, Transparency, Inclusivity
23:45 - The core traits of leadership in the 21st century
25:51 - Why buy-in from the full leadership team is important
28:51 - Often times what has happened is that someone is in pain and leaders need help to build it the right way.
32:01 - Humility and curiosity drive awareness
35:23 - Carol Dweck's research around scarcity mindset, abundance mindset and understanding a growth mindset.
37:23 - Why courage matters
39:06 - Courage happens every day
39:42 - Sharing your truth and finding courage in doing so can help someone else
41:52 - The cult of productivity
44:01 - The construct of corporate America
44:36 - The need to change what success looks like
44:46 - Taking time off from work has massive benefits
46:14 - Shame is not a driver for change
49:57 - How to live your best life
50:10 - Get clarity on your values and how you choose to spend your time